Train up a Child…

In this message Pastor Shane highlights the biblical responsibility and benefits of investing in our children. Click here for the recording of this 7/28 Service, and you can fast-forward to 30:20 to get to the start of the sermon.

Our text comes from Proverbs 22.6

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he grows older he will not abandon it.


  • We have just wrapped up a full week of children’s ministry, to dozens of children, by dozens of volunteers

  • This has involved months of planning by our own Sheryle Miller and the VBS leadership team: Audrey Merkle, Nancy Tyrrell, Rachael Koontz, Michaela White, and Pastor Jessica Fletcher.

  • A wide network of people have provided

    • Security

    • Logistics

    • Food donations

    • Set up and tear down

    • Crafts

    • Nursing care

    • Bible instruction

    • Even a stint in the dunk tank

Why do we do this?

  • Why do we give thousands of dollars and man hours to this?

  • For one reason- to impact children and their families with the Gospel

  • Most longitudinal studies show that children’s ministry is the most effective and least expensive when it comes to long range Kingdom impact

  • There is no substitute for weekly Sunday School and Children’s Church, VBS and Church Camp

What does our text say?

  1. Train up- cha.nakh, train up, dedicate, inaugurate

  2. A child-, youth, lad, boy

  3. In the way- de.rekh, conduct/lifestyle, way, road, distance, journey, manner, path, direction, course of life; that which deals with moral character

  4. Even when he grows older- za.qen, to be, become, or grow old

  5. He will not abandon- sur, depart, turn aside, avoid, come to an end, put away

  6. it

What does “training up” look like?

  • A parent/s who models biblical Christianity, in the form of regular Scripture reading, prayer, church attendance- “modeling is the strongest form of teaching”

  • Consistent modeling from 2 parents is powerful; inconsistent modeling is detrimental

  • Bringing your children to church weekly- Sunday School, Children’s Church, youth group, VBS, Church Camp, Bible Quiz

  • Insist on their commitment to church just like you would school, sports, or a part time job

  • Pray with them

  • Process church events and sermon subject matter

  • Be careful what you say about church and church leaders around children

What exactly is “it” ?

  • What is the “it” from which they will not turn away?

    • Is it the training?

    • Is it walking in the way they should go?

  • Experience and life has shown me that many people have walked away from a relationship with the Lord

  • What exactly is “it”?

  • What they, and we, cannot get away from is the Truth of the Gospel training planted in the young heart from faithful parents, guardians, and caring people of the Church

  • Once that seed is planted, it remains- what they do with it, is up to them

  • Our job is to plant the seed the Truth of the Gospel, often and early, in young hearts

The time of life when many walk away from the Church, and/or a relationship with Jesus

  • The American church is losing 50% of its young people to secular culture during their college/post high school years

  • Likely, between the ages of 15-30

  • During HS and college years

  • When they leave home, and the boundaries that home provides

  • When they date/marry an unbeliever

  • When they are overly influenced by secular friends- “show me your friends, I’ll show you your future”

  • When they have had a bad experience with the church

  • If they were never rooted in a relationship with Jesus to begin with- cultural Christianity

  • If they are unduly influenced by the ignorance of social media

What brings them back to the Lord, and the church?

  • Adult challenges in one’s 30s

  • Major life events

  • Children

  • Marriage/divorce

  • Relocation

  • Vocational challenges

  • Health issues

  • Addiction therapy

  • Death of a parent

  • The influence of good friends, family

  • In short - deep, meaningful life events that cause serious reflection about life issues and the need to change for the better, bringing them back to that Christian seed planted long ago

Lastly, what can we do now?

  • Invest in our children and teens now

  • Pray like crazy

  • Model a regular commitment to biblical Christianity- church, prayer, Scripture

  • Finance quality ministry to children and teens

  • Be there for them when their world comes crashing in

  • Never, ever quit investing…

Pastor Shane

Pastor Shane L. Johnson is our Senior Pastor. He (and his wife Kathy) joined us in November of 2022 as an interim Pastor, and in April of 2023 became our full time Pastor. He has advanced degrees from Ashland Theological Seminary. He is an avid outdoorsman, hunting upland and big game, and fly fishing. Pastor Shane’s passion is to mentor the next generation of Christian leaders for the Church, love and lead his family well, and one day go Home to be with Jesus.

Joseph, Part 7


Joseph, Part 6