Fourth Watch

Fourth Watch - Men’s Group

Fourth Watch is our men's ministry here at Cornerstone Community Church. We are a group of men who gather monthly to spend time in fellowship, pray together, encourage one another, and grow together in the strength and knowledge of Christ. Our mission is to help men to become the spiritual leaders in their families that God has called them to be by learning what Biblical manhood looks like. 

We meet the third Saturday of the month at 9am in the church fellowship hall for breakfast and are currently going together through the book "The Measure of a Man" by Gene Getz, in which we are learning about the attributes of what a Godly man is, directly from God's Word. We are discovering from Scripture and each other how we can become better husbands, better fathers, and better Christians. Our meetings are open to all men in the community, not just church members. We would love to have you join us.

If interested, please Contact Us with this Form, or reach out to one of the Fourth Watch Steering Committee members:

  • Tom Oswald - 330-472-0699

  • Jason Short - 330-620-6595

  • Steve Miller - 330-730-8908

  • Jerry Weaver - 330-317-4913

Next Meetings:

Saturday, Oct 19th @ 9AM
All men are invited to attend this monthly men’s group. Join them in the fellowship hall at 9 AM for breakfast.

Saturday, Nov 16th at 9AM