Earharts - Women’s Group

This is an hour of bible study for older women, held Sunday mornings from 9:15 - 10:15. We are currently studying the book ‘Jonah - Navigating a Life Interrupted’ by Priscilla Shirer. It is about life’s interruptions and teaches us through Jonah’s call by God to go to Ninevah and prophesy there.

Jonah did not want to leave his own comfortable situation to honor that call, so ran from God. Of course, God knows all and no one can hide from God. Jonah finally realizes how to follow God’s leading.

This series has a video introduction to each chapter by Priscilla. Previous studies that the group has enjoyed include ‘Breath’ and an excellent study of ‘Elijah’ also by Priscilla Shearer.

Join us for fellowship, prayer, and study.